Monday, April 1, 2013

Tuscan Style Baby Zucchini Salad

Baby Zucchini Salad 

with Fresh Mozzarella, Sun Dried Tomatoes & Fresh Basil

Sometimes I get such immense cravings for specific flavor combinations that I can't eat anything else until I satisfy it. This happened not so long ago when a craving for Italian food took over. Seeing as I am not one for cooking Italian (I can cook pretty much anything except for some good Italian food) or going out for it as I know I'll carb out and feel gross after, I decided to take a stab at creating a salad that would incorporate the flavors I was craving. I'm sure you noticed that I do this often, as I truly believe it's a great way to eat anything you want while still being healthy. After deducing exactly what flavors in the Italian family I wanted, I went shopping. While at Trader Joe's I saw these adorable, little baby zucchinis and knew immediately that this salad was going to revolve around them. Turned out this was a great choice because the salad was delish! It definitely was a meal in itself, so I wouldn't serve it with anything too heavy. That being said, there was plenty leftover which made for great lunches all week. Hope that it works out for you and yours! Bon appetit!

  • 2-3 cups baby spinach
  • 2-3oz fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced
  • 1 package baby zucchini (about 8), sliced in half vertically
  • 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes, sliced and not packed in oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, chiffonaded
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • salt & pepper, to taste
Heat oven to 350 (or grill these little guys for an even better flavor).  Spray baking sheet with non stick spray. Place zucchinis on backing sheet, spreading out evently. Drizzle roughly 1 Tbsp olive oil on zucchinis, coating evenly. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Once oven is heated, place and bake until soft and slightly browned.

While zucchini is baking, slice cheese and chiffonade basil. Toss spinach with remaining olive oil, salt & pepper. Plate. Top with sliced mozz and sun dried tomatoes. Once zucchinis are done, add them to the plated salad. Sprinkle basil on top. Serve and enjoy!

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